dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2021


This week, we have celebrated Halloween at school by inviting our students to make their own mask. Our students were delighted to discover that they could become little wizards, vampires, Frankensteins, black cats, bats or pumpkins for one day. In addition to learning values such as camaraderie and joy, they also learn to manage fears. And, of course, they enjoy singing and dancing spooky songs. 

Aquesta setmana hem celebrat la festa de Halloween a l´escola. Hem invitat als nostres alumnes a confeccionar la seva màscara. Els alumnes han gaudit molt veient com podien convertir-se per un dia en petites bruixes, vampirs, Frankensteins, gats negres, rat penats o carabasses. A més a més d´aprendre valors com la companyonia i l´entusiasme, ells també aprenen a enfrontar-se a les seves pors. I, evidentment, han après molt cantant i ballant cançons fantasmagòriques.



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